J. Rhodes Sermon 2/17/13
Title: “Revival“
Text: Ps. 85:6, “Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?” (A Request.)
Intro. I believe there are many within the church that are tired of the uninspired, lifeless meetings that are being replicated across the country that we call having church. There is being birthed in many a desire for something that gives substance to the time that men are giving on Sunday morning to their God. Something that will help them have faith in God...faith in themselves...faith in others...that they will be able to overcome the obstacle that inevitable come their way every day.
The church is not producing it! We have ended up with misdirected pursuits…pursuits that are depleting, diluting and destroying the church instead of reviving it.
History bears out that there are people who have made a mark on their generation because of a great move of God but through time became so caught up in their own organizations they ceased to be an organism that God could work through to bring light to a darkened world. I pray today that we here at MWC, and the church of today that God is raising up, will not allow itself to follow the paths of self-destruction that so many have followed.
Today I want to talk to you about “ Revival “. We will note I. What Revival Is & The Promise of Revival
What Is Revival? Is it a church full of shouting saints? Is it an evangelist who knows how to entice people to get involved in the latest religious fad that has swept into the church? Is it getting sinners saved? is it turning Washington and everyone there around and heading them in the right direction? Or is it all of these combined? Though each of these have their place in revival neither one nor all together constitute revival.
We are surrounded by a harvest field of humanity that needs to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ but there is a difference in harvest and revival. This has been an area of misunderstanding that has hindered revival in the past.
Revival defined is “the process (there are no over-night successes) of....
1. Bringing somebody back to life... Jn. 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and
destroy; I have come that they may have life (zoe-spiritual life), and have it to the full.” NIV
2. Consciousness, = is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or
something within oneself”
3. Full strength“. Ps. 29:11, “The Lord will give strength to His people;”
This, in my opinion, defines the need of the church today. We need to see life and strength brought back into the church.
Conc. Are you hungry for revival? Is there a burning desire to walk in His presence on a daily,
consistent basis? Do you long for your family and acquaintances to come the knowledge of
Who He is? If your answer is yes.........then let us purpose this day to “ Pray and seek His
face ” then we will hear from heaven!
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