Tuesday, July 17, 2018

What Is On The Horizon....

“I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" Lk. 12:49

The Vision...

A few weeks back, while n prayer in the sanctuary at MC, I was shown what is on the horizon for the church.  The hungry church...the praying church...the purified church...the hearing/seeing church.

(A Note of Clarity:  The Church = each born-again child of God who understands and knows that we r who we are because of Jesus’ birth, death, resurrection and ascension.  He is now and will forever be the only way to the Father.)

“I saw a pile of smoldering embers; as I looked closer I could see the white dust, a residue of what had been, proof that in the past a fire had once been there but had lost something to burn and seemingly left nothing but the proof of the past fire.  But then I felt the urgency to look closer, under the proof of the past fire, the dust, I saw some glowing ember, .some very small particles that still had the fire in them.  As I stood gazing at the smoldering embers a wind began to blow across 'what was', the dust of the past fire, the dust was blown away, the wind continued to blow upon the small glowing embers and suddenly a fire burst out.  As I stood there the fire began to grow in intensity. As it grew I began to see people start noticing the fire and were drawn to it’s flames.  The higher the flames grew the further away it could be seen and it became like a magnet to those who saw it.  People began to come from far away places...large crowds of people...they came to see and experience the fire.

This morning, 7/17/18, my spirit was drawn back to that vision and I heard these words...”It will begin with a gentle breeze and will then grow n intensity".

To the hungry...the thirsty...Pastor or parishioner...get ready the gentle breeze, if it hasn’t’t already started blowing, it is about to begin and then the Wind.

(If this resonates with your spirit...share it with others.)

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